Namespace Odotocodot.OneNote.Linq
- OneNoteApplication
A static wrapper class around the Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote.Application class, allowing for lazy acquirement and release of a OneNote COM object. In addition to exposing the OneNote's API
- OneNoteItemExtensions
A static class containing extension methods for the Odotocodot.OneNote.Linq.IOneNoteItem object.
- OneNoteNotebook
Represents a notebook in OneNote.
- OneNotePage
Represents a page in OneNote.
- OneNoteSection
Represents a section in OneNote.
- OneNoteSectionGroup
Represents a section group in OneNote.
- IOneNoteItem
The base interface of OneNote hierarchy items types.
(These are Odotocodot.OneNote.Linq.OneNoteNotebook, Odotocodot.OneNote.Linq.OneNoteSectionGroup, Odotocodot.OneNote.Linq.OneNoteSection and Odotocodot.OneNote.Linq.OneNotePage).